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Titelbild 2025 1


The most extensive and most interesting collection of international steam technology is located in an old factory hall in Winterthur. Numerous volunteer helpers look after and cherish around 500 tons of cultural assets from the time of industrialization.


Sammlung Vaporama

A collection of stationary steam engines of national importance faced a very uncertain future in 2010: was the only option left? A group of people from the Winterthur region took the decision to campaign for the preservation of this culturally and historically valuable collection.

Finanzierung Dampfzentrum

Unfortunately, the costs of maintaining this cultural asset cannot be covered solely by the enormous amount of labour required, but also require broader financial support from patrons, sponsors and steam enthusiasts.

Our Sponsors

Organisation Dampfzentrum

The Steam Centre Winterthur consists of two parts that work very closely together, the Steam Centre Association, which is responsible for looking after the collection, and the Steam Centre Foundation, which is responsible for space and fundraising.

Archiv Dampfzentrum

Here you will find all documents and reports from the Steam Centre and about the Steam Centre

Virtueller Rundgang

Visit our exhibition via the Internet and see that a visit to our centre is well worthwhile


Dampfzentrum Winterthur
Lagerplatz 27, 8400 Winterthur
IBAN CH26 0070 0110 0038 4949 1
E-Mail: kontakt@dampfzentrum.ch
Telefon: +41 32 511 74 08

Opening hours

The steam center opens its doors 
each 2nd and 4th Saturnday a month
from 09:45 to 13:00
you can find the exact dates here