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Collection Vaporama

Die Details zur Sammlung sind leider nur in Deutsch verfügbar
Malheureusement, les détails de la collection ne sont disponibles qu'en allemand
Purtroppo i dettagli della collezione sono disponibili solo in tedesco
Unfortunately, the details of the collection are only available in German


Dampfzentrum Winterthur
Lagerplatz 27, 8400 Winterthur
IBAN CH26 0070 0110 0038 4949 1
E-Mail: kontakt@dampfzentrum.ch
Telefon: +41 32 511 74 08

Opening hours

The steam center opens its doors 
each 2nd and 4th Saturnday a month
from 09:45 to 13:00
you can find the exact dates here